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#1 Re: Main Forum » Fundamental issues that limit critical mass » 2015-05-13 10:01:14

For a while now I've been trying to work out why I can't get into CM. Everything about the game appeals to me, but I just don't have that much fun playing it. I think your post up there helped me figure it out, though.

I enjoy poker and used to play it a lot, both face-to-face with friends and online against strangers. I think I was OK. I rarely lost money. However, whenever I was faced with a duel situation I would lose all motivation to play, even if the odds were stacked in my favour. It's no fun (for me) to slowly beat a worse player or slowly lose to a better player. And if you're evenly matched then it ends up feeling like a coin toss.

I guess I prefer sharing a fish to squaring off with a shark. And I am definitely not a CM shark.

#2 Re: Main Forum » To the person I've been playing today/yesterday... » 2014-12-22 10:20:31

AnoHito wrote:

The trick is to only do it after they raise first.

This was the key piece of information missing from your first post!

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