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Pages: 1
Just finished working through the results. Here they are:
Day 1 (copper):
50 -- thief saloon
20 -- string corn
10 -- hurdle lake
05 -- caravan disturber
Day 2 (copper):
50 -- immunity car
20 -- person falconer
10 -- duty fabric
05 -- arbiter expression
Day 3 (silver):
100 -- insect college
040 -- charm ship
020 -- car steerage
010 -- judge doorman
Day 4 (silver):
100 -- garments infection
040 -- cobblestone inducement
020 -- storeroom leaflet
010 -- settler mast
Day 5 (gold):
200 -- jeopardy alcohol
080 -- creature expression
040 -- bar edition
020 -- gist effort (TIE)
020 -- infant mule (TIE)
Day 6 (copper):
50 -- performer frog
20 -- chin professor
10 -- factory management (TIE)
10 -- impact distinction (TIE)
10 -- allegory bravery (TIE)
10 -- rosin gymnastics (TIE)
Day 7 (copper):
50 -- prosperity tool
20 -- contract form
10 -- accordion hypothesis
05 -- vacuum market
Day 8 (copper):
50 -- inhabitant shotgun
20 -- colony patent
10 -- wife pep
05 -- cost onslaught
Day 9 (silver):
100 -- inhabitant obsession
040 -- inn clemency
020 -- exclusion cooperation
010 -- atmosphere flower
Day 10 (silver):
100 -- decree kerchief
040 -- expression bosom
020 -- ghost sadness
010 -- brute spire
Day 11 (gold):
200 -- forethought tobacco
080 -- context fabric
040 -- gentleman errand
020 -- misconception banker
Day 12 (gold):
200 -- bird graduation
080 -- forest obsession
040 -- invoice cost
020 -- upkeep crime
I did this by hand by printing out all twelve lists and crossing names out with a pencil, so please take a look and make sure I didn't screw it up. There should be no repeats in the above list, for example.
Last edited by jasonrohrer (2015-05-29 14:33:48)
If you'll be rechecking and it's not too much trouble, could you add the tokens each winner had at the end? I got quite a few tokens and lost them all, I'd be interested to know how I would've done if I just kept the tokens...
Oh man... entering 48 numbers.... I really should focus on other things.
All those numbers are still available on the leaderboards here:
The very lowest number of cabal coins that led to someone winning a prize was 45.
You've completely forgotten about draws Jason (I did as well when I first made up my list):
For "Day 5 (gold)" Gist Effort and Infant Mule drew for 4th place ($20).
For "Day 6 (copper)" there was a 4 way draw for 3rd place ($10) between factory management, impact distinction, allegory bravery and rosin gymnastics.
Last edited by joshwithguitar (2015-05-29 08:27:27)
Yikes! Thanks for noticing that. Just fixed the lists.
All cash prizes have been paid:
| random_name | dollar_amount |
| thief saloon | 50.00 |
| string corn | 20.00 |
| hurdle lake | 10.00 |
| caravan disturber | 5.00 |
| immunity car | 50.00 |
| person falconer | 20.00 |
| duty fabric | 10.00 |
| arbiter expression | 5.00 |
| insect college | 100.00 |
| charm ship | 40.00 |
| car steerage | 20.00 |
| judge doorman | 10.00 |
| garments infection | 100.00 |
| cobblestone inducement | 40.00 |
| storeroom leaflet | 20.00 |
| settler mast | 10.00 |
| jeopardy alcohol | 200.00 |
| creature expression | 80.00 |
| bar edition | 40.00 |
| gist effort | 20.00 |
| infant mule | 20.00 |
| performer frog | 50.00 |
| chin professor | 20.00 |
| factory management | 10.00 |
| impact distinction | 10.00 |
| allegory bravery | 10.00 |
| rosin gymnastics | 10.00 |
| prosperity tool | 50.00 |
| contract form | 20.00 |
| accordion hypothesis | 10.00 |
| vacuum market | 5.00 |
| inhabitant shotgun | 50.00 |
| colony patent | 20.00 |
| wife pep | 10.00 |
| cost onslaught | 5.00 |
| inhabitant obsession | 100.00 |
| inn clemency | 40.00 |
| exclusion cooperation | 20.00 |
| atmosphere flower | 10.00 |
| decree kerchief | 100.00 |
| expression bosom | 40.00 |
| ghost sadness | 20.00 |
| brute spire | 10.00 |
| forethought tobacco | 200.00 |
| context fabric | 80.00 |
| gentleman errand | 40.00 |
| misconception banker | 20.00 |
| bird graduation | 200.00 |
| forest obsession | 80.00 |
| invoice cost | 40.00 |
| upkeep crime | 20.00 |
51 rows in set (0.00 sec)
| sum(dollar_amount) |
| 2170.00 |
An email request has been sent to the amulet winners to obtain their mailing addresses.
Thanks again for the contest, Jason!
Pages: 1