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So... I've played a few games where my opponent took too long to leave, and they ended up paying me the next ante on top of the 6-coin leaving penalty.
While part of me is glad to take a little bit extra off my opponents when they leave, I think people should be aware of when it is safe to leave.
The way I understand it:
a) While coins are moving (the animation), after a reveal or a fold, it is safe to leave without paying the next ante. The animation is simply reflecting what has already happened on the server. You do NOT need to wait until the animation is complete.
b) If you leave after the previous board has faded out, you WILL pay the next ante. On the server, the next board is being delivered and the next ante taken.
Please correct me if I got anything wrong.
Though if people are intentionally paying me the next ante because they feel bad for poor ol' Dan, then I will gladly accept.
It's my understanding that you avoid the next round's ante if you leave after your opponent's score has been revealed, but before the three "communicating" dots appear.
I think if you Fold then Leave you pay the ante of the next round? I'm not sure on this one.
The ante for the next round is taken only after both players (clients) send the start_next_round message to the server. Looking at the source, this is sent at the instant that the screen finishes fading out. Whether the round ended before someone folded doesn't matter, from my reading of the source.
I'd also mistakenly thought that the next round ante was included (I almost never leave)
I think you just have to leave before the game grabs the next board. So ya, if you're going to fold and leave, you have to leave during the fade out animation. I could be wrong, though.
Maybe the leave message could be more informative with that? Like (Pay 6 + Ante) or (Pay 6 + Lose 3)?
Or just a combined "Forfeit X?"
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It happened to my opponent again. S/he probably didn't realize it happened.
Ah well, ignorance is bliss...
Yeah, this aspect was a little fuzzy to me at first. Maybe the game should ask if you want to continue playing by putting X amount of chips on the line? Sometimes I get really caught up trying to figure out what my opponent did last round and then we're playing another round before I can think to exit.
Yeah, I dunno... I get studying your opponent's post-game state, but only if you're staying. I don't want to clutter the flow with another decision point there.
Press "=" to save a screen shot at any time, by the way.
There's a screenshot button?! I'm going to abuse the shit outta this now. Thanks!
A screenshot button?! Oh, that is so helpful!
hey Jason, I think I just had a weird thing happen to me with the leaving penalty. I was in a match and went to leave, and for some reason the leave button said "Pay 0" instead of "Pay 6", but I'm looking at the score right now and it seems like I lost the 6 coins and maybe even the next ante? I went all in, but my opponent had coins left.
What do you mean you went all in? You went all in and then left that round before seeing the result of that round? In that case you wouldn't have any coins left to forfeit (penalty capped at the number of coins you actually have left).
Last edited by .. (2015-05-10 03:46:55)
No no, I went all in, won, and left while the coins were animating to me. He had 20 left and I had everything else minus rake.
= / Alt+Print Screen either way works
Oh, that makes sense. Once you received the winnings of that round you'd have at least 6 coins, so the penalty would be 6 coins again. Probably at that point the client hadn't yet have received a message from the server stating that the penalty was 6 coins.
I think if the coins were mid-flight and hadn't hit your stack yet, the client was doing the calculation based on your stack as it stands without the flying coins added in. Thus, it says PAY 0. But if you had waited for at least 6 coins to land, it would have said PAY 6.
Also, the "PAY ___" sub-message is concocted when you press the LEAVE button the first time. So, the penalty is computed then. Thus, it would be stuck on PAY 0 even if some coins had landed, as long as you pressed LEAVE before any landed.
Ah, ok that makes sense! I guess I jumped the gun a bit then. Thanks!
Jason, that seems to be wrong. PlayGamePage::mLeavePenalty is set when the client receives the get_game_state response, and it's not set anywhere where else -- not calculated in the client.
You're right, dot-dot.
Okay, figured this out.
LEAVE was pressed between the final reveal and the next server message that shows the coin distribution. Thus, the leave penalty would be 0, because you have no coins left, as the coin distribution hasn't started yet.
As far as your client is concerned, the payout hasn't happened yet, and leaving at that moment is actually a bit dangerous (has the round ended on the server yet?). So, until the coins start flying, leaving is risky. When the coins start flying, the LEAVE? button disappears and LEAVE comes back, and when you press it again, it says PAY 6, because the payout has happened server-side at that point, and your balance is not 0.
Huh, I could've sworn that the coins were already moving when I left, because I didn't want it to think I'd left during the reveal (which takes awhile after an all-in, since it's skipping a betting step). I'm probably misremembering, though. That would've sucked leaving after an all-in and not receive the payout! Yeesh! I'll be less trigger happy in the future.
I do think this might be another argument for changing the wording of the leave message to forfeit. Since I had 0 coins and was all-in, the message said "Pay 0", but with essentially 160 in the pot, the message could read "Forfeit 160", and then once the server sees I've won, it would change back to 6.
Well, I hope it's clear that whatever is in the pot is not currently yours. The PAY 6 thing means you will pay 6 in addition to what is in the pot if you leave now.
Oh ya, that's definitely clear! I just meant the message would communicate when the server sees the pot as owned or not, but I guess the coin animation already does that. So it's really not a big deal.
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