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#1 Main Forum » Offtopic: For fans of Jason Rohrer's games » 2017-04-26 22:57:53

Replies: 2

Or even fans of people who shamelessly rip off his brilliant ideas!

I'm Judge Doorman, you may remember in that article where we told the world what an idiot I am : … 1678359567

You may remember this line from the article :

"Ullman doesn't play many games, but like Danziger, he loved Rohrer's The Castle Doctrine, and clocked hundreds of hours with it. He's hired programmers to build a more family-friendly version of the game for mobile, based on The Castle Doctrine's open source code. "

If you do remember that, maybe you should go outside and feel the sun and air on your face. 

Anyway, that game has gone BETA : . It also now how has mobile support in both the apple and android store. Right now the game is completely free to play ( at some point we may add some in game purchases, but not that the kinda that are pay to win of course - it's the Judge Doorman motto, "I don't pay to win, I pay to lose").  Cylence has created a excellent tutorial/brutal(depending on what level) single player game where you can rob risk free.  As mentioned, we've toned down the violence.  Not that I had an issue with it, but I waned a 4+ rating in the Apple store so we can go after the Minecraft population - plus I might be able to beat a 4 year old at ONE of Jason's games.  Tom, the creator of Castle Draft was kind enough to share that code so we have created the Terminal Heist Editor : which has all that Castle Draft does as well as the ability to push your map to your house/terminal, pull your map from your terminal nee house, region copy and paste, as well as the ability to test simple traps in the browser.

I apologize for hitting the CM boards with basically an ad that isn't super related other than the Jason factor.  If you feel anger welling remember, this is the guy that did almost $10k to the economy of the game.  Talk about the most expensive cost per impressions ever!

Stay tuned for my next game:  Rude Hoedown the only gambling game that doesn't use skill or luck.  You deposit money in your account a fat guy in overalls comes and punches you in the face.  It too will have mobile support, we are only launching on the Nokia 3310.

Hope you guys are well, if any one ever wants to play high stakes again feel free to send me an email

#2 Re: Main Forum » Is this the end? » 2015-12-30 01:15:35

Ok I've shown back up.  Let me know if anyone wants to play.  Josh I'll play your above $1k balance.

#3 Re: Main Forum » Is this the end? » 2015-09-26 10:30:42

Defiant00 wrote:

I've emailed him, will definitely post here if/when we play smile

Challenge is still open. I missed your email somehow so I will send you an email.

I was coming on the board today to announce my retirement. I am planning to extend the challenge another 30 days. I am happy to stick to the existing terms. However, in order to drum up more challengers I am also offering this version :

- if you are below me in ELO rank I will play you for either 80%, 90% or 100% of your bank. If you wager me 100% I will reveal my first cell for the first 3 rounds. 90% the first 2 rounds and 80% I will reveal my first cell on just the first round.

- if you are above me in ELO and wager 100% of your stack original rules apply, if you only want to wager 90% you will reveal me your first cell on the first two rounds, 80% the first cell on the first round.

The revelations will take place on Chatzy. Let me know if there are any new takers for the new scheme. Otherwise my $400/$500 is leaving the game in 30 days.


#5 Re: Main Forum » Help Needed PERFORMER FROG: read this! » 2015-09-03 19:28:55

Indeed it does prove something. My vote is Professor Chin gets the amulet. I feel bad knocking a better player out of the game. I thought my challenge would just steadily increase everyone's bankroll. But you guys are too chicken apparently.

#6 Re: Main Forum » Is this the end? » 2015-08-18 23:34:27

jere wrote:

Kudos, Chin, for taking up the challenge! That was brave.

It sounds like an interesting offer, but here personally I'd like to keep at least some money in so I can show people the game in the future.

Jere, I'm sure you'd beat me, and of course you could always deposit more money, in the slim chance you lost.

#7 Re: Main Forum » Is this the end? » 2015-08-18 23:06:53

Professor Chin wrote:

Cullman, I take the challenge up.
My account is $25 and I agree not to leave the game until one the two stakes is zero.

Well played, Professor Chin!  Next Challenger!

#8 Re: Main Forum » Is this the end? » 2015-08-18 09:35:05

In the interest of injecting some life into this game.  I will take on any challenger that contacts me via email or this board that is willing to bet their entire account and makes a gentleperson's agreement with me that we will not leave the game until all the chips are sent to one side of the table.  Offer only valid where the value of the challenger's account is greater than $20 and less than the value of the current value of my account (which is currently $481).  If you are one of the two people with more money in the game than me, then we will play for entire value of my account.

#9 Re: Main Forum » One Dollar, One Hour, One Life » 2015-08-18 09:22:09

jasonrohrer wrote:

I mean, TCD and CM were both technically MMOs as well (in that they are played online with loads of other people), but they aren't Everquest clones.  So there will be no flying mounts, leveling up, quests, NPC shops, etc. etc. in this game.

  I dunno, I feel like I was Nate's flying mount in CM.

#10 Re: Main Forum » Skill based poker game, built on CM's ideas » 2015-06-08 04:33:31

Thanks for the feedback....I do wonder if the bars could help bring the mind reading aspect back to the game though.  If you moused over the bars of your opponent you could more quickly determine if they are going for their possible straight or flush or what...I might do a rev with the bars and see if it improves things.  I like that it's more like poker, and I like that unlike CM you can still win after getting a suboptimal pick in the first round, but I agree that it's so vast that I ultimately play like I am picking at random (but I also think that's likely how I would play CM if it weren't for real money).  I think the only way to really test this would be to set up a tournament with some real money behind so people cared enough to actually try hard to win.  I personally haven't played a game where I really cared if I won or not...Thoughts?

#11 Re: Main Forum » Skill based poker game, built on CM's ideas » 2015-06-05 17:54:29

Thanks for the feedback, that's what we are looking for, so if anyone has some suggestions on how to improve game play we are all ears. Yeah, I think the whole 36+16=52 is a bit of kismet, and silly or not one of the things that makes me interested in this version. Whether or not we have the way that hole cards and community cards figured out the right way remains to be seen (my guess is no). We'll take a look at this bug it's a very rough prototype (we've spent less than a week throwing this together). We could somewhat easily implement the red and green bar scheme CM has. There are something like 7350 possible poker hands. So we could take the rank of all your possible hands and divide them by 73.5 and give you a rough idea with a 1 to 100 score of where your hand and potential hands stand. Would that be helpful?

#12 Re: Main Forum » Skill based poker game, built on CM's ideas » 2015-06-04 16:35:16

Ok we'll add those features. This is meant to be a pretty rough draft to see if it's even worth pursuing as a concept. In the meantime perhaps people can coordinate on Chatzy.

#13 Re: Main Forum » Skill based poker game, built on CM's ideas » 2015-06-04 14:36:17

Nah, Max isn't JA.  Max doesn't really play CM.  He is my cousin and business partner.  He is the coder on Terminal Heist for those of you familiar with that slow moving project.

#14 Main Forum » Skill based poker game, built on CM's ideas » 2015-06-04 06:44:42

Replies: 10

Judge Doorman/Cullman here. 

After some talks with Jason, Max and I have come up with a pseudo-hold em like game.

Here is basically how it works :

It shuffles a deck of 52 cards.  It takes 36 off the top of the deck and force ranks them, the highest card a 36 and the lowest a 1. It then takes the other 16 cards and force ranks them too.  It uses the same magic square concept to make sure the columns and rows are balanced.  It then displays you to matrixes of cards one 6x6 and one 4x4.  Our game is a little different than hold em as you get 3 hole cards and there are 4 community cards.  You get your 3 hole cards by using the selection process just like CM on the 6x6 grid.  On the first turn you pick your columns on the big matrix.  You then have an opportunity to bet.  Then on the next turn you chose your columns for your second hole card and your columns for your first community card.  Another round of betting.  Then you choose your columns for your third hole card and your column for your second community card.  Then your 3 hole cards and the 2 community cards you can see are revealed.  Round of betting.  Then the other 2 community cards are revealed, showing you the total 7 cards your best 5 card hand will be made from.  Round of betting.  Then the game decides who has won the round.  Rinse and repeat. 

Here is the website :

You can create a game, by giving it a name (if you don't give it a name, your opponent won't be able to click on it).  People can see the list of games that are listed by name.  Both players start with 100 chips.  Obviously, it isn't for real money at this point.  I'd love to get the community's feedback on this, whether or not there are some improvements to be made, how fun it is, etc.  Most importantly, I'd like to know if anyone would be interested if we created a version of this that you could play for real money.  We would keep it web based, allowing people to be able to play on any device.



#15 Re: Main Forum » Test Amulet Contest with MONEY Prizes » 2015-03-18 19:10:03

Should we be seeing the amulet game button yet?

#16 Re: Main Forum » Working Rules for Launch Contest » 2015-03-09 22:45:24

jasonrohrer wrote:

Cullman, there are a few reasons I'm not jumping on your proposal:

Does that mean I have to stop talking about it? smile

#17 Re: Main Forum » Working Rules for Launch Contest » 2015-03-09 05:56:50

joshwithguitar wrote:

cullman: Even with no stakes amulet games the vast majority of games you will be playing during the tournament will be for real stakes and you won't even know that you are in no-stakes games until you actually have an amulet. And then you will be playing to keep the amulet, so it won't feel like no stakes.

I get your proposal, I think, but I have the same problem with it that I do with the original proposal which is it looks like you are playing for money but you are not.  You can say the amulet is stakes, but there are cases where it may not be.  Imagine if it's the last hour of the tournament (and I haven't played the tournament at all) and I have $9 in my account and I chose to play $4.50, instead of increasing my account by 50% I get a copper amulet and no chance to win the physical one.  Again, strange behavior IMHO.  In the strata model if you want to play a $5 amulet game you play a $5 amulet game, if you want to play a $5 non-amulet game you play a $5.01 or $4.99.  Personally, I also think there should be buttons on the create/join screen that just say :
^^^^ ^^
vvvvv  vv
[In Yellow or some color]
"Amulet Tournament Play - click here for info"
[.01] [.10] [.50] [$1] [$2] [$5]

If the player hits one of the tournament buttons, says [.50] The screen would change to

[Now the number is in yellow ]
^^^^ ^^
00000.50   (Amulet Tournament Play - click here for more info)
vvvvv  vv

The same color change and indication of amulet tournament play would happen if the user manually entered one of the amulet tournament strata amounts, like .50.

It's explicit, it solves most of collusion, it allows for people to play amulet games or regular games, it creates an opportunity to explain the tournament in game to someone who may not have stumbled across the tournament without reading the boards or news about the tournament. Etc, etc.  Ok I am done beating this dead horse.

#18 Re: Main Forum » Working Rules for Launch Contest » 2015-03-08 23:59:31

I don't like the idea of non-money amulet games, cause right now you can't even practice the game with zero stakes.  Why would we have tournament play be less financially impactful than how a beginner is at first forced to learn the game.  Additionally, if the goal of the amulet tournament is to get new players and have them learn and love the game I think having to put real money in and play for real money is key for that.

You know what would work is if we just had amulet games set at a few different fixed amounts : .10, .50, $2.00, $5.00... 

Just saying (again, and again)

#19 Re: Main Forum » Working Rules for Launch Contest » 2015-03-04 15:04:07

gnuborg wrote:

Throwing wins to yourself with alts is easier to prevent if as an amulet holder you can only start an amulet game by creating the game yourself and not by being allowed to joining a game set up by someone else.

While this isn't a bad idea, and it does sort of fix the no risk part for the main/amulet account, I think it has some other troublesome side effects.  For one, by design (and I think it's a neat design) neither player knows if the other has an amulet until the game is over.  In your proposed model, I would never create an amulet game, I would only join them, because I would have a much higher chance of getting an opponent with an amulet.  In fact, if I created games I'd be certain to never play an opponent with an amulet.  I assume this strategy would be adopted widely by all non-amulet holders and it would stunt the number of games being played, in my opinion.

#20 Re: Main Forum » Opening a new game - Set a range » 2015-03-04 14:59:14

I like this idea a lot outside of the tournament discussion.  I for instance would probably always put a $20-$100 type range....

#21 Re: Main Forum » Working Rules for Launch Contest » 2015-03-04 14:25:42

jere wrote:

cullman, I was saying the exact same thing on collusion, which is why I want more details. If it's set up the way I think it is, I might try to "collude" just to prove it.

Yup, I understood your comment to mean that, and I quoted you because I think it's concerning that even before the tournament is up and running it seems so obvious how to cheat.  I mean even if "we" didn't do the tiered thing I think at least forcing amulet games to be in increments of 50 cents (and maybe have a 10 cent or 1 cent game too).  At least it would cut down down on the ability to collude, but even that I think if I created a $3.50 or a $1.50 game, and my main could see it within a minute, those seem like relatively strange numbers to play at and I'm sure my 2 accounts could find each other especially at off peak hours.   I understand why Jason doesn't want to do this, cause it diverts from how the game is played now, though, if someone is really dying to play a game for $4.23 instead of $5 they can still do so in my model, it just won't be an amulet game.

Personally, I think having 3 or 4 set prices for amulet play is not only the best way (and maybe only) to prevent collusion, but it will also actually help legit players find more amulet games, and probably find them quicker as well.

#22 Re: Main Forum » Working Rules for Launch Contest » 2015-03-04 13:44:04

jere wrote:

It'd be nice to have another thread on the random delay stuff. Is there no limit to the number of games you can play per person? If not, well... it makes me tempted to buy up some visa gift cards. wink

Jason, I still think you are going to have collusion problems, as it makes it very easy for me to see my game at $4.23 regardless of the random display time. If I make an alt that I create to lose games to my amulet holding main, and I always use the "losing alt" to create the games at some strange number like $4.23, I can almost guarantee that main will never join the wrong game and lose the amulet, and who cares if my "losing alt"'s $4.23 game is joined by some random legit player as soon as I see that it wasn't joined by my main the losing alt drops out and starts another game with a strange amount.  I really think the only solution to this is, as I mentioned before, is having a few fixed levels of play for the amulets, like .25, $1, $2.5 and $5. Then I think someone who is trying to collude will at least occasionally join the "wrong game" with their amulet holding main.

Also, just my 2 cents I think a one hour expiration time in the amulet is too short.

#23 Re: Main Forum » Penalty for leaving » 2015-01-30 13:25:48

joshwithguitar wrote:

It is nice to take a little extra off Jeopardy Alcohol every time they leaves early. It still doesn't stop them from doing it though.

That's why I proposed and still like the leaving penalty to be 2x next ante, as the players would be really incentivized to look at just one more card.  But, if the baby is crying or the boss is calling it's still not the end of the world if you have to get up and leave.  That seems like a reasonable balance to me.

#25 Re: Main Forum » Thoughts about PAX South, and Feedback » 2015-01-29 01:37:18

I too thought the booth was cool looking, but probably hurt you functionality wise.  As you mentioned you had to explain the game to hundreds of people.  If your both was an open concept you could have explained it to more than 6-8 people at a time, and even better than that people walking by or standing around could watch others play.   This is not an inditement of your cousin's booth design skills, as it definitely was the most interesting thing there for money spent, which I am sure was one of the main goals....

On the plus side, it was the least I've ever lost at CM.

Also, I'd argue that Kotaku article did not cost nothing! smile

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